You’re invited to join us for Easter
Good Friday | 6:30P
Easter Sunday | 8:00AM * 9:30AM * 11:00AM * 12:30PM
Meet us at CenterPointe at 6:30pm, where together we will remember the cost Christ paid for us on the cross. In the woods on our property, we will take part in communion and celebrate with those making a public declaration of their faith through baptism! It will be an amazing evening, filled with remembrance and hope!
We invite you to join us for our Easter weekend services! This year, we will be hosting four Easter services in person and online. 8:00AM | 9:30AM | 11:00AM | 12:30PM
Have kids? You are in luck! Our CP Kids have an INCREDIBLE service designed for them! To check them into our secure kid’s department, head to our CP Kids Check-In in CenterPointe’s lobby. Our CP|Kids is designed for nursery-5th grade.
This Easter Sunday, be a part of the fun as you and your children can do our Easter Scavenger Hunt after each service in the park! Kids of all ages (and their families) can walk through together in this 5-10min experience following each Sunday service. Every kid will leave with a bag of candy!